Top 10 Tips for Application & Development Success

  1. READ, READ, and then READ AGAIN: The Plans, the Addenda, the Definitions, the Application Forms and Application Instructions. Submit questions and communicate problems.
  2. Check Your Email and AHFA’s Website for Updates: AHFA will send Multifamily Notices with critical information about the application process. These Multifamily Notices will then be posted at
  3. Secure Proposed Property with A Renewable Option to Purchase: Renewable Options allow you the flexibility needed because of the varying lengths of the approval process.
  4. Engage Your Environmental Professional Early: Provide them with a copy of AHFA’s Environmental Policy Requirements.
  5. Check the Property Zoning for the Proposed Property: Make sure the property is zoned for the proposed use. Review the applicable zoning ordinance(s) and provide the zoning requirements for the proposed project.

Click here for the rest of the tips.

News & Events Request: Help Us Promote Your Work!

Your work provides a valuable platform to showcase developments and illustrate the relevance of programs that make affordable housing possible in Alabama.

Keep us up-to-date on the latest in affordable housing in Alabama, and we’ll share your news and events in our newsletter, on our website and Facebook page, and in various other publications and marketing materials*.

We just need story “leads.” There’s no need to take a lot of time gathering and writing up information – we’ll do that. We just need to hear about information we can share to showcase your work!

News & Events We Want To Know About:

  • Innovative initiatives
  • Signature projects
  • Resident testimonials
  • Professional achievements/awards
  • Special collaborations
  • Tours
  • Congressional delegation visits
  • Groundbreakings
  • Ribbon cuttings

Email us back at with your news and events. We look forward to hearing from you!

* Please be aware that we will not be able to use every submission as we seek to provide diversity in terms of geographic areas, ethnicity, development groups, etc. However, we will keep all submissions in a “Story Bank” for possible use in future advocacy efforts. We reserve the right to exclude any submission for which the project/development team has issues of non-compliance.