Grand Openings and Ribbon Cuttings
Your Groundbreaking and Grand Opening Events Made Simple & Easy
AAHA will handle all arrangements for groundbreaking and ribbon cutting events. Contracting with AAHA for this service keeps your staff from spending countless hours attending to large and very small details. We handle it all for you. Check out what we do, and the information we have to receive from you in order for your event to be exceptional.

What You Will Do
- Select three dates for your event, the 9-digit zip code for the property, a contact person available for event information
- Provide the names, addresses, email addresses, and phone numbers of those you want invited. For example: Family and relatives, all contractors and sub-contractors, etc. And telephone numbers if AAHA needs to call any of them for you. This information is needed within 2 weeks of confirmation of date
- Provide a News Release the morning of the event, if desired
- Provide a complete list of every company who employed workers during the build (to be printed on the back of the Program for the benefit of elected officials and as another “Thank You” to your contractors and sub-contractors, the total financial investment YOU have in the project, the total amount of tax credits and who bought them and their contact information, the number of units in the apartment
- Hold scissors for the ribbon cutting
- Provide the name and contact info for a photographer you want to use, if desired
- Provide several representatives from your company to assist with serving at the grand opening event
- The manager of the property needs to be present the day specified from
the event coordinator to inspect property - Select a Master of Ceremonies
- Provide the names, title or position, company, or office name, addresses, telephone
number and email addresses. For example: family, relatives, all contractors and
sub-contractors suppliers, vendors, local office holders, chamber of commerce - Provide numbers:
- Total Development Cost
- Tax Credit Equity (amount, who purchased & location)
- Amount of mortgage, held by, location and duration
- Amount of Construction Loan, provided by & location And Any Permanent Loan
- Land brokered by and location and cost
- Annual Operating Budget & Annual LeasingRevenue
- Number of Jobs Created Groundbreaking toOpening
- Number of companies based on #4above
- Property Taxes Ongoing (Optional: Amount)
- Total Units
- Homes for Low & Medium Income, Veterans,Seniors
- Amount of Funds from Alabama Housing Finance Authority, HOME, County, etc.
- Developed By & Include All To BeRecognized
What AAHA Will Do
- CONFIRM the best date for program participants and elected officials (city, county and state)
- Use information provided to create press releases, to prepare quotes for the Mayor, County Commission Chair, State Senator and State House member, other local officeholders who would comment and who should comment. Notes that we provide for Dedicatory remarks will include some of these statistics also
- Prepare email lists for a group email invitation and/or mailing labels for those who should receive a printed invitation
- Make arrangements for a tent, chairs, any needed tables, sound system, food, soft drinks and water and will have someone on-site to put everything in place a full hour before the event begins
- Provide Ribbon and Scissors and will suggest who should also hold scissors, if anyone other than the Mayor and you
- Arrange for a photographer, unless you have a specific photographer you want to use for the event. If so, AAHA need to talk with the photographer in advance to provide a list of those who must be in photographs. AAHA will have asked them in advance to remain a few minutes for a photo session lasting no more than 10 minutes
- State Legislators and any statewide elected official who lives in the county will be contacted regarding the event