On Monday, August 27, 2012, CARH and other affordable housing trade associations sent a letter (click here to download a copy) to Rural Development (RD) protesting the Administrator’s decision not to increase management fees for 2013. As CARH members recall from our August 10, 2012, Broadcast Email, CARH confirmed that the Administrator of the Housing and Community Facilities programs at Rural Development (RD), Tammye Treviño, agreed with national office staff recommendations not to provide an increase in fees for 2013.

The industry letter addresses what has been justification for the action by the agency and asks the Administrator to reconsider the decision. We also are requesting that the Administrator and staff meet with the industry groups to review both the Improper Payment Information Act (IPIA) audit error rate and increases in findings from the Multifamily Information System (MFIS). Hopefully this meeting will be scheduled in the next few weeks. CARH’s board of directors will be meeting on September 20-21 and the management fee issue will be raised with officials at that time as well. CARH board meetings are open to all CARH members. Should you wish to attend the meeting, please contact CARH’s national office for additional details regarding time and location of the meeting.

If you have any questions, please contact the CARH national office at or 703-837-9001 or carh@carh.org.