The 2016 annual report of FHLBank Atlanta’s Affordable Housing Advisory Council is now available. View the report to learn more about the Bank’s affordable housing products and initiatives in 2016 and how the Bank, its shareholders, and housing partners are helping communities prosper.

View the 2016 Report

Report Highlights

  • $22 million awarded through the Affordable Housing Program (AHP) Competitive to support 3,553 housing units with total development costs of $646 million
  • $16.4 million in home purchase and rehabilitation funding provided to 2,377 households
  • 58 educational and outreach events with shareholders, regulators, and other housing partners
  • $6.3 million delivered through the Veterans Purchase and Rehabilitation products

All AHP funds are delivered to communities through the Bank’s shareholder financial institutions and their local housing partners. We thank you for your continued partnership with the Bank to support the affordable housing needs in our communities.

For more information on the Bank’s affordable housing products, please contact Community Investment Services at 1.800.536.9650.