The September/October 2012 digital edition of CARH News, the Council for Affordable and Rural Housing’s (CARH) bimonthly newsletter, is now available online on CARH’s website,, or for viewing by clicking here.

In this issue:

  • Deferred Developer Fees Draw IRS Attention
  • 2013 Mid-Year Meeting Registration Form
  • September Jobs Report
  • Counsel’s Corner: Rental Assistance Demonstration Program
  • CARH Board Takes Issues to RD and Capitol Hill at Fall Meeting
  • Tech-No-Helper!?: Augmented Realty
  • Rural Poverty at a 47 Year High
  • Earn Your CARH Designation

Click here to read those articles and much more!

CARH members may also view archived editions of CARH News on the CARH website by logging in with your username and password.

Please contact CARH at with any questions, feedback or suggestions for future improvements or articles.

Don’t miss CARH’s 2013 Mid-Year Meeting
January 28-30, 2013 at the Ocean Reef in Key Largo, Florida!