Cantwell Introduces Bill to Set LIHTC Rate

Sen. Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.) has introduced a bill to make permanent the fixed rate for 9 percent low-income housing tax credits and to establish a minimum 4 percent rate for the acquisition of existing housing. Read original article here.

37 Rural Reasons to Save LIHTCs

As Congress considers comprehensive tax reform, rural affordable housing advocates are making sure legislators understand the worth of the most important program to produce new affordable housing in rural areas: the federal low-income housing tax credit (LIHTC). Read...

Fiscal Package Brings Victory for LIHTC

From: Affordable Housing Finance 2013 Posted on: January 3, 2013 By Peter Lawrence, Emily Cadik The new year began with a major victory for the low-income housing tax credit (LIHTC). Congress’ fiscal cliff package, agreed upon late Jan. 1, included an extension of the...

The Low-Income Housing Tax Credit: A History of Success

The low-income housing tax credit (LIHTC) is the most successful federal program for the production and preservation of affordable housing. Established in 1986, it has financed 2.5 million units of affordable housing across the country from the heartland to the...

The Need For Affordable Housing

THERE WERE 46.2 MILLION PEOPLE IN POVERTY IN 2011, A 15 PERCENT POVERTY RATE FOR THE NATION. The Great Recession has taken a toll on many households across the nation. Millions of working families, seniors, veterans, and the disabled have severe cost burdens and need...